Y-Map Member: Junior Tourism and Hospitality Management Association of the Philippines

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About the organization

Junior Tourism and Hospitality Management Association of the Philippines is an organization that aims to be recognized as the premiere national tourism and hospitality management national student organization. Its objective is to provide a structure through memberships which tourism and hospitality management students may organize a national student organization; to develop the leadership opportunities, learning, student engagement and shared interests in the areas of tourism and hospitality; To recognize tourism and hospitality management students in their academic, leadership, competencies, values, advocacy and skills formation; to conduct academic activities that will boost the learning and appreciation of the tourism and hospitality disciplines; to assist tourism and hospitality management students from experiencing a well-balanced school life; and, to uphold significant Filipino tourism and hospitality management practices in the global platform.

How can youths get involved? 

The Junior Tourism and Hospitality Management Association of the Philippines is a newly-founded organization that aims to develop the leadership opportunities, learning and student engagement, conduct academic activities that will boost the learning and appreciation of the tourism and hospitality disciplines and to uphold significant Filipino Tourism and Hospitality Management practices in the global platform , for those who are interested to join please send us an email at jthmap2019@gmail.com for the guidelines on how to join our organization.

How we solve social issues related to SDGs?

We relate to the 16th SDG Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, we are making an effort to make a peaceful and inclusive environment for our members to work in. We ensure that they are treated equally and that they can grow in our organization.

What do you think is the biggest problem in society? why?

The biggest problem in the society is discrimination because many people live in discrimination and it affects their well-being. They are deprived of opportunities and respect from other people. Even during this pandemic, the front liners and patients are being discriminated because people look at them as a virus and not a human being.

Project or event happening currently?

JTHMAP just finished a 5 – Saturday Leadership training boot camp for all potential student leaders around the Philippines. This training was executed online by different platforms and was very successful even though we are in middle of a pandemic. The organization is also currently working on our 1st anniversary this coming September. We plan on having this celebration as a platform to thank and appreciate our Front liners as well as continue to continue to encourage the students to discover their full potential despite the pandemic.

Most impressive achievement that we have done?

The most impressive achievement of our organization is the increasing number of membership that we get. Being known to be a newly established organization we started from scratch and struggled to find members who will are willing to be pioneers and lead the organization. We struggled financially and was further hindered by the pandemic which made it even harder for us to advertise the org and gain new members. But after almost a year, JTHMAP was able to gain partnerships, linkages and an overwhelming amount of members. Despite the problems thrown our way we managed to push through and rise against the odds.

Find out more about us on…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jthmap